Учет эффекта завихренности при расчете удельного теплового потока в ламинарном пограничном слое на непроницаемой поверхности полусферы в сверхзвуковом воздушном потоке - page 9

Учет эффекта завихренности при расчете удельного теплового потока…
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Gorskiy V.V.
(b.1939) graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo
Ordzhonikidze in 1963. Senior staff scientist at the JSC (open joint-stock company)
"MIC "NPO Mashinostroyenia”. Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of the Computational Math-
ematics and Mathematical Physics Department at Bauman Moscow State Technical Uni-
versity. The author of more than 100 publications. Scientific interests: ablation heat pro-
tection, high temperature heat-mass transfer, numerical methods of solving equations of
mathematical physics. e-mail:
Pugach M.A.
, (b.1991) the 6th year student at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technol-
ogy (State University). The author of 5 publications. Scientific interests: ablation heat
protection, high temperature heat-mass transfer, numerical methods of solving equations
of mathematical physics.
Sysenko V.A.
(b.1978) graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University in
2001. Ph.D., Senior Scientist of the Aerodynamics Department at the JSC (open joint-
stock company) "MIC "NPO Mashinostroyenia". The author of 12 publications in the
field of applied mathematics. Scientific interests: high temperature heat-mass transfer,
numerical methods of solving equations of mathematical physics. e-mail: dv-
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