Установка выращивания биокристаллов с активным управлением процессом кристаллизации - page 9

Установка выращивания биокристаллов с активным управлением процессом…
Biocrystal growth apparatus installing with active control
of the crystallization process
© I.Zh. Bezbakh
, B.G. Zakharov
, V.I. Strelov
, O.V. Kritskiy
I.N. Radchenko
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000,
”Space Materials” Science and Research Center of Shubnikov Institute of Crystal-
lography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kaluga, 248640, Russia
The main purpose of the article is to analyze the problems and factors determining the
quality and structural perfection of protein crystal. Special attention is paid to crystalli-
zation processes by means of temperature. We consider the equipment and methods of
protein crystallization employed in our country and abroad. The findings of this research
led to developing a method of controlled protein crystallization, which allows real-time
division of nucleation and crystal growth processes. This method does not require large
amounts of protein solutions and excludes the possibility of crystal damage during dif-
fraction studies. The construction of such apparatus implements a modular principle:
better throughput is achieved by aggregation of single-type blocks. Their basic design
allows modernizing and upgrading for increasing the number of growth cells and using
diagnostic and test equipment.
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