О системном и физическом делении электромагнитных величин, относимых традиционно к группе полевых - page 10

А.С. Чуев
On the systemic and physical division
of electromagnetic quantities traditionally attributable
to the field quantities group
© A.S. Chuev
Bauman Moscow State
University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The study tested systemic, dimensional and physical difference between the field and base
(real-material) electromagnetic quantities, which include magnetic field strength and
electric induction, usually attributed to the field quantities group. These quantities are
not only wrongly considered to the field ones, but are often considered fictitious and not
having a deep physical meaning. In contrast to this viewpoint, we justified a different
status and the physical meaning of such values as magnetization and polarization of free
space (physical vacuum). On the basis of new concepts we discussed in detail the effect of
local enhancement of external and internal electric field near the surface of dielectric
bodies. This effect can be used and has, probably, been already used in practice in die-
lectric antennas and waveguides.
electromagnetism, magnetization, polarization, magnetic field, electric field,
physical vacuum.
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