О новых подходах в описании стационарного электрического поля внутри диэлектрических сред и на границе их раздела - page 13

О новых подходах в описании стационарного электрического поля...
On new approaches in the description
of the stationary electric field inside the dielectric media
and at their interface
© A.S. Chuev
Bauman Moscow
State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article presents analysis of the known images of stationary electric field inside the
dielectric media and at their interface and notes paradoxical nature in these images repre-
sented by the various vectors — electrical voltage and electrical induction. We offer other
options of fields images that lack the mentioned paradox. However, these options require
revision of the established ideas, in particular, the notions of breaking the lines of the elec-
tric induction at the interface of two media and the strengthening of the electric displace-
ment inside the dielectric. A new model to explain the behaviour of the electric vector on the
boundary between two media is suggested.
electric field, the electric vectors, dielectrics, the principle of superposition.
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