Компьютерное тестирование обучающихся в курсе теоретической механики - page 7

Компьютерное тестирование обучающихся…
On computer testing in the course of theoretical mechanics
© N.I. Bondarenko, K.B. Obnosov, A.V. Panshina
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article substantiates a necessity of the computer testing of students both in general
and on a specific topic of the theoretical mechanics in particular. We present a testing
methodology that allows objective assessing knowledge and skills of a students’ group
for a short time. Typical tasks that can be suggested for computer testing on the topic
named “The equilibrium of absolutely solid bodies under action of the forces which ac-
tion lines are situated in the same plane” are given. Tasks are designed in such a way
that allow you to check students' knowledge at the level of definitions and primary con-
cepts, as well as at the level of the abil-ity to apply this knowledge in dealing with more
complex issues. An example of the testing result protocol generated by the program for a
student from a short course group is demon-strated. The materials of the protocol are
testing, the planar statics, force projection, algebraic force moment, connec-
tion response.
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, 2014, iss. 1(25). Available at:
Bondarenko N.I.
(b.1940) graduated from the Engineering-Physical faculty of the Lenin
Kharkov Politechnical Institute. Ph.D., assoc. professor of the Theoretical Mechanics
Department at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests: dynamics
of hydromechanical systems. e-mail:
Obnosov K.B.,
(b. 1942) graduated from the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of
the Tashkent State University in 1965. Ph. D., assoc. professor of the Department of The-
oretical Mechanics at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests
include informatics and integral invariants. e-mail:
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