О.Я. Черемных
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 3·2017
Creation, design improvement, development prospect
of vehicles for liquid hydrogen
Uralcryomash JSC, Nizhniy Tagil, 622051, Russia
The study reports on the hydrogen transport products development on the basis of analy-
sis of previously created structures for transporting liquid hydrogen to implement mod-
ern promising hydrogen technologies used in the rocket, space, marine and other indus-
tries. In the research we looked for optimal solutions in choosing thermal insulation of
transport products for liquid hydrogen. We opted for screen-powder-vacuum heat insula-
tion and justified this choice, as well as the amount of vacuum in the tank interstitial
space per the amount of hydrogen losses in the transport product. The analysis of liquid
hydrogen purity during transportation made it possible to identify the main impurities
and to assess the change of their concentration in hydrogen during transportation. We
also made the choice of criteria for technological operations ensuring the preservation of
liquid hydrogen quality in a transport tank. According to findings of these studies, we
suggest a technological operation of “draining off” hydrogen at the rocket-space com-
plex without tank pressurizing from an extraneous source of pressurizing gas, using only
its “pure” hydrogen vapor. The work is the first to present the results of experimental
studies on the effects of vacuum loss in a tank on the full-scale sample of a hydrogen tank
of the ZhVTS-100M model in the emergency situation. Based on these studies, it was pos-
sible to justify the choice of material and the construction of the cryogenic transport tank
shell with respect to the tank itself, as well as to ensure the protection against the tank
undercarriage damage in case of vacuum loss in the emergency situation. The presented
recommendations formed the basis for designing the majority of transport cryogenic
products for transportation of liquefied (cryogenic) gases: oxygen, nitrogen, argon,
liquefied natural gas. The study is the first to give the description and technical charac-
teristics of a prospective transport product — container-tank for liquid hydrogen for
multimodal transportations.
liquid hydrogen, railway tank, tank-container, automobile tank, thermal insu-
lation, evaporability, safety-drainage device, drainless transportation, hydrogen purity,
container platform, railway platform
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