Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

Algorithm for computing kinematic characteristics of a flexible joint controlling a swiveling nozzle in a solid-propellant rocket engine

Published: 22.05.2018

Authors: Kostikov Yu.V., Sumnitelnyy N.V., Ryazanov R.S.

Published in issue: #6(78)/2018

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2018-6-1768

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts

In order to ensure a steady attitude and desired direction of spacecraft motion along a given trajectory, a swivelling control nozzle on a preloaded flexible joint may be installed in the housing of a solid-propellant rocket engine. The article describes an algorithm for analytically investigating the kinematics of a swivelling control nozzle in a solid-propellant rocket engine so as to achieve its desired performance. We present a general form of the mathematical function describing angular velocity variation in the moving part of the rocket engine for the case of a shock-free start-stop motion mode. We investigate whether it is possible to change the time limit parameter when the moving part of the nozzle deflects. We provide an algorithm for calculating the law of motion that takes into account inertial components of the nozzle. The study we carried out should make it possible to alter the direction of the spacecraft velocity vector so as to produce a desired deviation from the preset trajectory with minimum error

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