Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

Calculation of the density of motor aviation MS-20 brand oils at various temperature and pressure

Published: 21.02.2023

Authors: Altunin V.A., Lvov M.V., Shchigolev A.A., Yusupov A.A., Yanovskaya M.L.

Published in issue: #2(134)/2023

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2023-2-2252

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts

The article shows that various problems appear in the aircraft lubrication systems. These problems are associated with the quality of aviation motor oils, difficult thermodynamic conditions in their operation, negative sedimentation process, design features and deficiencies of piston aviation internal combustion engines, air-breathing engines, various aviation and ground power plants, as well in their filtering and cooling systems. Design and creation of new equipment foresees using aviation motor oils of various brands and properties; therefor, scientists, designers, engineers and constructors always need to know not only the selected oil general properties, but also its thermophysical properties, including density, thermal conductivity, viscosity and thermal capacity. The paper considers the issue of the MS-20 aviation engine oil density at various temperatures and pressures. A number of authors (and information sources) provide comparative data on this oil; its density values at different temperatures and normal pressure are having differences. Methods for obtaining density values of the aviation motor oils, including the MS-20 brand oils, are presented in experimental studies; in using nomograms, graphs and tables; in calculations using various techniques. The method for calculating the MS-20 oil density with an increase in temperature and pressure set out in the State Standards is demonstrated. A new abbreviated and effective method for calculating the aviation motor oils density with alterations in temperature and pressure, including the MS-20 brand oil, was developed and is presented. Recommendations are provided on the correct account of temperature and pressure when using density of the MS-20 and other types of the aviation engine oil to create new domestic ground, air, hypersonic and aerospace equipment for single-use and reusable for various purposes with improved performance in terms of resource, reliability and efficiency.

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