Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

Optimization of the passenger car body base structure in order to increase energy intensity in a side impact

Published: 08.02.2021

Authors: Sulegin D.A.

Published in issue: #2(110)/2021

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2021-2-2059

Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Dynamics, Strength of Machines, Instruments, and Equipment

The paper considers the possibility of increasing the level of passive safety of the vehicle by development of solutions for strengthening the base of the body. The method to achieve this goal was mathematical modeling using topology optimization modules (Topology Optimization) as well as topographic optimization of sheet bodies of Altair Inspire software and LS-DYNA explicit dynamics of ANSYS. A side impact against a pole defined by UN ECE 135 was selected as the loading mode to test the effectiveness of the strengthening a body base. Efficiency criteria were energy intensity, defined as the ratio of the system energy to the residual (plastic) deformation at the level of the center of the door, and the residual living space. Based on the optimization results, three variants of the strengthening elements arrangement were obtained, one of which was further strengthened with aluminum foam. A comparative assessment of the effectiveness of the considered strengthening options was performed using the simulation results. The most effective option (with transverse stampings and foam) allowed increasing energy intensity by 57.5%. The assessment of the residual living space was carried out, the cutting out of which turned out to be possible only by one strengthening option: with transverse stampings with foam.

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