Оценка точности инженерных методик расчета толщины потери импульса в ламинарном пограничном слое на непроницаемой поверхности полусферы в сверхзвуковом воздушной потоке - page 9

Оценка точности инженерных методик расчета…
Gorskiy V.V.
(b.1939) graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo
Ordzhonikidze in 1963. Senior staff scientist at the JSC (open joint-stock company)
"MIC "NPO Mashinostroyenia”. Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of the Computational Math-
ematics and Mathematical Physics Department at Bauman Moscow State Technical Uni-
versity. The author of more than 133 publications. Scientific interests: ablation heat pro-
tection, high temperature heat-mass transfer, numerical methods of solving equations of
mathematical physics. e-mail:
Sysenko V.A.
(b.1978) graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University in
2001, Ph.D., Senior Scientist of the Aerodynamics Department at the JSC (open joint-
stock company) "MIC "NPO Mashinostroyenia". The author of 12 publications in the
field of applied mathematics. Scientific interests: high temperature heat-mass transfer,
numerical methods of solving equations of mathematical physics. e-mail: dv-
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