Учет эффекта завихренности при расчете удельного теплового потока в ламинарном пограничном слое на непроницаемой поверхности полусферы в сверхзвуковом воздушном потоке - page 8

В.В. Горский, М.А. Пугач, В.А. Сысенко
Taking into account the vorticity effect in the calculation
of the specific heat flow in the laminar boundary layer
on hemisphere impermeable surface in a supersonic air flow
© V.V. Gorskiy
, M.A. Pugach
, V.A. Sysenko
JSC (open joint-stock company) "MIC "NPO Mashinostroyenia”, Moscow
region, Reutov-town, 143966, Russia
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics
Institute), Moscow, 115409, Russia
The analysis of the vorticity effect influence on the specific heat flux in the laminar
boundary layer on an impermeable wall at the surface of the hemisphere in a supersonic
air flow has been performed. Engineering method is proposed to account for the vorticity
effect by correcting the specific heat flux.
Key words:
vorticity effect, specific heat flux, laminar boundary layer, supersonic airflow
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