Простой алгоритм терминального управления пневмоприводом при наличии фазового ограничения и ограничения на управление - page 12

В.И. Краснощеченко
Simple algorithm of terminal control of pneumodrive
at state and control constraints
© V.I. Krasnoshchechenko
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
Kaluga, 248000, Russia
In this research we propose a simple algorithm of terminal control by moving of a pneu-
modrive rod from any initial condition into any final condition in the fixed time, in the
small fixed number of equal steps without hitting the limiter. In the study we take into
account all constraints. The algorithm uses switching planes which are received by ap-
proximating the solutions of 900 tasks of linear programming by the simplex method.
terminal control, state constraint, a pneumodrive, linear programming, sim-
plex method
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Pupkov K.A, Faldin N.V. i Egupov N.D.
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[Methods for the synthesis of optimal automatic
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Pontriagin L.S., Boltianskii V.G., Gamkrelidze R.V., Mishchenko E.F.
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[4] Krasnoschechenko V.I.
Inzhenernyi Zhurnal: Nauka i Innovatsii — Engineer-
ing Journal: Science and Innovation
. 2014, iss. 6. Available at:
Krasnoschechenko V.I.
(b.1953) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical
School in 1981. Ph.D, Assoc. Professor of the Automatic Control Systems Department,
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests in-
clude synthesis of regulators; nonlinear systems; differential geometry, topology, and the
theory of continuous groups in control; optimal control; synthesis of observers.
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