Способ выращивания кристаллов в условиях управляемого градиента температуры в расплаве - page 10

В.С. Сидоров, В.И. Стрелов, И.Ж. Безбах, О.В. Крицкий, И.Н. Радченко
Strelov V.I.
(b. 1952) graduated from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology. Dr.
Sci. (Phys.&Math.), Director of SIC "Space Materials", Branch of Crystallography Insti-
tute named after A.V. Shubnikov RAS. Author of over 150 scientific papers in the fields
of crystal growth and solid state physics. e-mail:
Bezbakh I.Zh.
(b. 1978) graduated from Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow
State Technical University in 2001. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Physics Department
at Kaluga Branch of BMSTU. Author of several articles on the methods and apparatus
of growing crystals (semiconductors, crystals of biological materials).
Kritsky O.V.
(b. 1993) a 4th year student of Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Tech-
nical University. His specialty is 210201 "Design and technology of radioelectronic means."
Research interests correspond to the future profession. e-mail:
Radchenko I.N.
(b. 1961) graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after
M.I. Kalinin. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Physics Department at Kaluga Branch of
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of more than 40 scientific papers in
the field of electronics and solid state physics. e-mail:
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