Формула Харди-Рамануджана и термодинамика квантовой струны - page 6

А.О. Шишанин
Hardy—Ramanujan formula and
thermodynamics of quantum string
© A.O. Shishanin
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow 105005, Russia
For partitions of natural numbers, there is an asymptotic formula of the Hardy-
Ramanujan. In this paper we propose to compare this formula with the number of mi-
crostates, using entropy calculation of the quantum string by means of Euler–Maclaurin
formula. The work briefly touches upon a different approach, using counting the number
of states through the inverse Laplace transformation of the partition function.
partition of the number, the generating function, Hardy–Ramanujan formula,
quantum string, partition function, free energy, entropy, Euler–Maclaurin formula.
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Shishanin A.O.
(b. 1980) graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Assoc. Professor of the Physics Department at Bauman Moscow State Technical Univer-
sity. He is the author of about 20 publications. Scientific interests include mathematical
physics. е-mail:
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