Обзор основных методов контурного анализа для выделения контуров движущихся объектов - page 8

И.О. Сакович, Ю.С. Белов
Review of the contour analysis basic methods to distinguish
moving object contours
© I.O. Sakovich, Yu.S. Belov
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia
The article touches upon the issue of images analysis to extract the contours of moving
objects. We analyzed characteristic features of contour analysis methods. The article
describes the main advantages and disadvantages of contour analysis.
image analysis, contours of moving objects, contour analysis, the method of
active contours, the Canny edge detector.
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Sakovich I.O.
(b. 1992) is a student of the Department of Computer Software, Information
Technologies, Applied Mathematics at Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical
University. Research interests include information technologies, image recognition,
intellectual data analysis, multimedia systems. e-mail:
Belov Yu.S.
(b. 1982) graduated from Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical
University in 2006. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Department of Computer Software,
Information Technologies, Applied Mathematics at Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow
State Technical University. Research interests include information technologies,
computer simulation, intellectual data analysis. e-mail:
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