Возмущения первого порядка во вращении Земли, обусловленные гравитационными моментами со стороны Луны при высокоточном описании ее орбитального движения - page 17

Возмущения первого порядка во вращении Земли…
First-order perturbation in the rotation
of the Earth caused by the gravitational moments
from the Moon when describing the precision
of its orbital motion
© Yu.V. Barkin
, M.Yu. Barkin
Sternberg SAI, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, 12599, Russia
The article presents the analytical theory of a rotary motion (the theory of a pre-
cession, nutation and the compelled fluctuations of poles) developed for non-
spherical Earth on the basis of the equations of a rotary motion in Anduaye's
variables. We constructed perturbation of the first order in rotation of the planet
under the influence of the gravitational moments from the Moon in the conditions
of its real orbit set by the high-precision theory of EL 421. All calculations are
executed in ecliptic system of coordinates of date and presented in the form con-
venient for the analysis. Tabulation of perturbations for all variables of Anduaye
is executed.
action-angle variable, Liouville problem, Fourier series, elliptic integral.
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Barkin Yu.V.,
Dr. Sci. (Phys.&Math.), professor, leading researcher in Sternberg Astro-
nomical Institute at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Sphere of scientific interests
includes theoretical mechanics, celestial mechanics. е-mail:
Barkin M.Yu.
, assistant lecturer of the Theoretical Mechanics Department in Bauman
Moscow State Technical University, assistant lecturer of the Theoretical Mechanics De-
partment in the Moscow Aviation Institute (Technical University). Sphere of scientific
interests includes theoretical mechanics, celestial mechanics. е-mail:
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