Общие теоремы динамики и общее уравнение механики - page 7

Общие теоремы динамики и общее уравнение механики
General theorems of dynamics and general equation
of mechanics
© V.V. Lapshin
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
General theorems of dynamics constitute one of the main parts in theoretical mechanics.
Traditionally, these theorems are being derived from motion equations of a mechanical
system. The main students’ difficulties are associated with the question which theorem
(or theorems) should be used to obtain the solution. The paper shows these theorems’
derivation from the general equation of mechanics. This leads to changes in the theo-
rems’ formulation: reaction force of ideal constraints (internal and external) is out of the
consideration. This approach compared with the traditional one gives a hint about the
theorems to be used in the solution
general theorems of dynamics, general equation of mechanics.
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Lapshin V.V.,
Dr. Sci. (Phys.&Math.), professor of the Bauman Moscow State Tech-
nical University. He is the author of over 120 scientific papers. Scientific interests: me-
chanics and motion control of walking machines, theoretical mechanics.
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