Моделирование и оптимизация технологического процесса ионно-лучевого травления - page 18

А.А. Гурченков, Л.А. Муравей, А.М. Романенков
Gurchenkov A.A.
Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser. Estestvennye nauki —
BMSTU Bulletin. Ser. Natural Sciences
, 2012, spec. iss. no. 7, pp. 18–31.
Gurchenkov A.A.
Dinamika zavikhrennoi zhidkosti v polosti vrashchayushche-
gosya tela
[Dynamics of swirling liquid in the cavity of the rotating body]. Mos-
cow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2010, 221 p.
Gurchenkov A.A., Nosov M.V., Tsurkov V.I.
Upravlenie vrashchayushchimisya
tverdymi telami s zhidkostyu
[Control of rotating solids with the fluid]. Moscow,
Fizmatlit Publ., 2011, 202 p.
Gurchenkov A.A.
, Dr. Sci. (Phis. & Math.), Professor of the Higher Mathematics De-
partment of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He is the author of about 130
publications in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics, including 8 monographs.
Scientific interests in modelling and control of fluid-containing rotating rigid bodies.
Muravey L.A.
, Dr. Sci. (Phis. & Math.), Head of the Higher Mathematics Department of
MATI — Tsiolkovsky State Technological University. He is the author of more than 150
publications in the field of applied mathematics and theory control. Scientific interests:
equations of mathematical physics, numerical methods, modelling and optimal control. e-
Romanenkov A.M.
, post-graduate Student of the Applied Mathematics Department 0f
MATI — Tsiolkovsky State Technological University. Scientific interests: numerical
methods, modelling and optimal control. e-mail:
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