Перспективы реализации проектов государственно-частного партнерства в системе научно-технического творчества молодежи - page 9

Перспективы реализации проектов государственно-частного проекта…
Outlook for implementation of public-private partnership
in the system of scientific and technical creativity of youth
© P.A. Drogovoz, G.G. Fedosov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Solving of human resources problems is becoming a live issue of the modern science-
based industry. For technological modernization of the domestic industry and the transi-
tion to innovative development it is necessary to solve the most important issue – to pre-
pare a new generation of scientists, engineers and technicians capable of making non-
standard solutions in their professional activities, designing new machines, developing
advanced technological processes and managing complex production.
This paper presents a review of best foreign and domestic practices used to develop sci-
entific and technical creativity of youth by support of public-private partnership. The
features of youth innovation centers development abroad are studied — FabLab (Fabri-
cation Laboratories), Design Thinking Lab as well as in Russia — Youth Innovation Cre-
ativity Centers, Education Technology Support Centers. Perspective directions of innova-
tive development of youth centers are identified at the main problem points at the stage of
their development are discussed.
scientific and technological creativity, youth innovation centers, digital pro-
duction, fabrication laboratory, rapid prototyping, education technology support, design
thinking, modernization.
Drogovoz P.A.,
Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Economic Ac-
tivities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr. Sci. (Economics), Profes-
sor. Author of about 70 publications including 8 monographs in the field of theory and
methodology of value-based management, organizational economic analysis and design,
civil-military integration, business informatics. e-mail:
Fedosov G.G.,
Head of the Children’s Health Camp “Baumanec”, Assistant Lecturer of
the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Economic Activities of the Bauman
Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:
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