Теоретическая модель Ethernet-коммутатора - page 18

М.К. Бойченко, И.П. Иванов
Theoretical model of Ethernet-switch
© M.K. Boychenko, I.P. Ivanov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article describes a proposed theoretical model of the switch. The built model is based
on the structural features of the frame of Ethernet technology. We considered the opera-
tion of a hypothetical switch of any hierarchical level of a topological scheme of con-
structing transport system of network. The calculated dependences are aimed at determi-
nation of probability and mathematical expectation of the time interlocking frames in
switches that implement the second level of the reference model ISO/OSI. A connection is
established between the magnitude of the switch delay and requirements of buffer
memory required of its input and output ports for all topologies of intersection infor-
mation flows in the transport systems.
computer network, transport system, transit node, switch, blocking, delay, buffer
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Ivanov I.P.,
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), vice-rector in informatization and modernization of the
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, head of the Theoretical Informatics and
Computer Technologies Department at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Author of more than 40 publications in the field of data-communication technologies.
Boychenko M.K.,
leading programmer of the IT laboratory of the Administration on In-
formatization – Computing Center of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Specializes in the field of data-communication technologies. e-mail:
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