Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

Organizational and economic modeling, econometrics and statistics in solving problems in economics and organization of production

Published: 15.04.2014

Authors: Orlov A.I.

Published in issue: #1(25)/2014

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2014-1-1198

Category: Industrial economics

When solving the problems in economics and business organization of production, there are used organizational and economic modeling, econometrics and statistics. They are based on a new paradigm, the essence of which is the transition from parametric probabilistic and statistical methods and models to nonparametric ones, from numerical data to non-numeric. All this includes intensive use of information technologies. The study revealed distinctive features of the new paradigm in comparison with the old paradigm of the mid-twentieth century.

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[11] Orlov A.I. Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskoe modelirovanie. Ch. 3. Statis-ticheskie metody analiza dannykh [Organizational and economic modeling. Part 3. Statistical methods of data analysis]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 2012, 624 p.
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[18] Kolobov A.A., Omel'chenko I.N., Orlov A.I. et al. Proektirovanie integriro-vannykh proizvodstvenno-korporativnykh struktur: effektivnost’, organizatsiya, upravlenie. [Designing of integrated production and corporate structures: efficiency, organization, management]. Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 2006, 728 p.
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