Подход к разработке систем управления малыми космическими аппаратами в нейросетевом базисе - page 15

Подход к разработке систем управления малыми космическими аппаратами…
Sevastyanov N.N., Branets V.N., Panchenko V.A., Kazinsky N.V., Kondra-
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[Analysis of modern possibilities of creating small spacecraft for remote Earth
Trudy MFTI
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Blinov V.N., Valeev S.S., Islamgulov T.V., Karimov R.R., Kositsyn V.V.,
Ruban V.I.
Vestnik UGATU, Seriya «Upravlenie, vychislitel'naia tekhnika i
informatika» — Bulletin of ASTU, Series "Management, computer science and
, 2010, vol. 14, no. 4 (39), pp. 97–103.
Shakhnov V.A, Vlasov A.I., Kuznetsov A.S. Polyakov Yu.A.
Neirokomp'iutery —
arkhitektura i realizatsiya
[Neurocomputers — architecture and implementation].
Available at:
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Alyushin M.V. Apparatnaya realizatsiya bystrodeistvuyuschikh neirosetei na
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implementation of high-speed neural network based on programmable logic by
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Komartsova L.G., Maksimov A.V.
Moscow, Bauman MSTU Publ., 2004, 400 p.
[12] Chernikov V.M., Viksne P.E., Fomin D.V., Shevchenko P.A., Yafrakov M.F.
Neiroprotsessor, ustroistvo dlya vychisleniya funktsiy nasyscheniya, vychislit-
elnoe ustroistvo i summator
[Neuroprocessor, a device for calculating the satu-
ration function, the computing device and an adder]
Patent RU 2131145.
Available at: http://
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June 2013).
[13] COESA Atmosphere Model. Available at:
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[14] Aerospace BlockSet. For use with Simulink. User’s Guide. Available at: http://
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Konovalov V.N.
(b. 1960) graduated from Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow Higher
Technical School in 1983. Senior lecturer of the Automatic Control Systems Department
at Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Sphere of scientific
interests: numerical control systems. e-mail:
Korlyakova M.O.
(b. 1969) graduated from Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State
Technical University in 1992. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Automatic Control Systems
Department at Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Scientific
interests include neuronets, intelligence control systems. e-mail:
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