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Г.К. Клименко, А.И. Коновалова, А.А. Ляпин


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 10·2017

Thermal processes on electrodes during testing

a lossless cathode in a diode circuit

© G.K. Klimenko, A.I. Konovalova, A.A. Lyapin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article considers the experimental and analytical study results of the energy process-

es occurring during the tests on a lossless cathode, operating at the electrons thermal

emission from a heated emitter surface. In particular, we consider thermal processes at

the electrodes occurring during testing of a lossless cathode in a diode circuit. We ana-

lyzed the terms in the power balance at the electrodes for the steady-state heat transfer

case. We investigated the mutual radiation exchange between the cathode and the anode.

We show experimentally and theoretically that the anode presence has a significant effect

on the cathode thermal balance. The cathode-compensators used in the electric propul-

sion system will increase gas economy and improve mass-dimension characteristics. In

addition, when developing the electric propulsion system, which uses new working sub-

stances, the cathode-compensator design will not need to be changed.


lossless cathode, cathode-compensator, heat balance, diode circuit



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Klimenko G.K. (

b.1935) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School in

1960. Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Department “Plasma Power Plants”,

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of 200 scientific publications and

inventions in the field of plasma technologies, plasma engines, devices and systems.
