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Н.И. Сидняев, О.А. Шипилова


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 11·2017

Effect of underwater explosions on hydrodynamics

and the nature of perturbation propagation

© N.I. Sidnyaev, O.A. Shipilova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article presents the results of investigating a number of problems related to underwater

explosion, including a detailed analysis of structure and parameters of the wave field gen-

erated by explosive charges. We describe the formation mechanisms for a wide range of

flows in the case of shallow underwater explosions and their mathematical models. We ana-

lysed the specifics of how the shockwaves transform, how they amplify when colliding, and

the problems of bubble detonation wave forming. We show that the nature of perturbation

propagation depends on physical and chemical properties of the explosive; that for an ex-

plosive charge of a certain mass the bubble pulsation shape is largely dependent on the water

depth and the proximity of boundary surfaces; and that most of the initial gas bubble energy

goes into creating pressure pulses and turbulent motion stemming from rapid radial and ver-

tical displacements of the gas bubble. We derive equations of motion for compressible liquid

in various formulations, which makes it possible to integrate over the volume bound by the

shockwave front and the surface of the rarefaction wave following the compression wave at a

certain distance. The rarefaction and compression waves intersect on the free sea surface, in

the vicinity of which rapid expansion conditions are fulfilled. We use the equations of conser-

vation of mass, momentum and energy to derive boundary conditions.


underwater explosion, shockwave, pressure, gas bubble, system of equations,

boundary conditions, density, compression, sea surface



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