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Е.А. Евсеенко, Н.Н. Генералов


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 8·2016

Determining the optimal location of fuel tanks of the rocket,

designed on a “tandem” scheme, with minimum starting


© E.A. Evseenko, N.N. Generalov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The research studied optimal arrangement of rocket fuel tanks of minimum starting

weight with preserving the stability. We paid the main attention to calculating the

strength and stability of the tank shells, determining their thickness in the two layout op-

tions: oxidizer – fuel, fuel – oxidizer. First, we calculated the weight of the obtained

structure in both cases, analyzed the extension of centre of pressure and centre of mass.

Then, we made a comparison of the weight value obtained from the strength calculation,

with the value adopted in the statistics design. Moreover, we proposed a solution to the

problem of static rocket instability by installing lattice stabilizers and we showed the ad-

vantage of the obtained design in a weight ratio. Finally, we proved the benefits of plac-

ing the oxidizer tank behind the fuel tank, which makes it possible to create lighter rock-

ets and increase the payload mass without increasing the general product weight.


tank, weight coefficient, fuel, arrangement, voltage, oxidant, lift, tension, oxidizer,

lift force, strength, extension of centre of pressure and centre of mass, carrier-rocket, com-

pressive force, stabilizer, starting weight, shell thickness, fuel compartment, stability.



Baslyk K.P., Generalov N.N., Kuleshov B.G

. Inzhenerhyy zhurnal: nauka i

innovatsii — Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation,

2013, no. 7 (19).

Available at:


September 22, 2014).


Baslyk K.P., Generalov N.N., Kuleshov B.G.

Nauka i obrazovanie


and Еducation,

2014, no. 10. DOI 10.7463/1014.0728843


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Evseenko E.A.

, student of the Department of Spacecraft and Carrier-rockets, Bauman

Moscow State Technical University.

Generalov N.N.

(b. 1944) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School in

1967. Assoc. Professor of the Department of Spacecraft and Carrier-rockets, BMSTU.

Author of over 20 science and research works and textbooks in the field of aircraft design

and dynamics. e-mail: